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(18-D-33) 網膜静脈閉塞症に伴う黄斑浮腫を網膜厚測定装置を用いて治療効果判定を行つた。アセタゾラミド経口投与,格子状光凝固,高圧酸素療法をそれぞれ10例に行い,治療前後で視力,黄斑部網膜厚を比較検討した。3群ともに,約半数の症例で視力が改善した。アセタゾラミド療法と格子状光凝固の平均黄斑浮腫改善効果はそれぞれ68±19μm (p<0.01),55±14μm (p<0.01)であり,治療前後で黄斑浮腫が有意に減少した。高圧酸素療法では−7.7±6.3μmとほぼ不変であった。黄斑浮腫の治療としてアセタゾラミド療法・格子状光凝固と高圧酸素療法の奏効機序の違いがあることを示す所見である。
We evaluated the therapeutic effect on macular edema in 30 eyes of retinal vein occlusion by measuring the thickness of the fovea using a retinal thickness analyzer, RTA. The series comprised 3 groups of 10 eyes each treated by systemic acetazolamide, grid photocoagulation and hyperbaric oxygen respectively. After treatment, the visual acuity improved in 50% of the cases in each group. The foveal thickness decreased by 68±19μm in acetazolamide group, by 55±14μm in photocoagulation group and increased by 7.7±6.3μm in the hyperbaric group. The observed changes were significant in the former two groups (p<0.01) and was not significant in the third group. The findings show that different mechanisms are involved in improvement of visual acuity following systemic acetazolamide and photocoagulation on the one hand and hyperbaric oxygen treatment on the other.

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