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老人性円板状黄斑変性症の56例,70眼にインドシアニングリーン赤外螢光眼底造影(IA)とフルオレセイン螢光眼底造影(FAG)を施行し,両者を比較検討した。脈絡膜新生血管の検出率は,光凝固未施行群ではIAにて70.4%,FAGにて55.6%,光凝固施行群ではIA, FAGともに62.5%であった。光凝固未施行群では,両者を合わせた検出率は75.9%に向上した。IA とFAGの両方で脈絡膜新生血管が検出された36眼中19眼で両者の大きさが異なった。以上の結果より,老人性円板状黄斑変性症の診断にIAとFAGの併用は有用であり,光凝固の際には両者を併用することが望ましいと考えられた。
We examined 70 eyes with age-related disciform macular degeneration by fluorescein angiography (FAG) and indocyanine green infrared angiogra-phy (IA). In eyes without prior photocoagulation, choroidal neovascular membrane was detected in 56% of eyes by FAG and in 70% by IA. A combineduse of FAG and IA led to a detection rate of 76%. Choroidal neovascularization could be shown both by FAG and IA in 36 eyes. There were considerable differences in the size of choroidal neovascular membrane by the two methods in 19 of the 36 eyes. We recommend combined use of FAG and IA in the detection and treatment of choroidal neovascular membranes as superior to either method alone.

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