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We evaluated 121 eyes in 67 patients with diabet-ic retinopathy and hard exudates in the posteriorfundus.The hard exudates appeared as cluster in 52eyes, circinate in 62 and confluent into large waxyplaque in 7.The degree of retinal microangiopathywas divided into 3 groups by fluorescein angiogra-phic findings:those with focal leakage from mi-croaneurysms only, leakage from microaneurysmsand capillaries adjacent to nonperfused areas, anddiffuse leakage from dilated retinal capillaries. Theincidence of each group of microangiopathy was: 54%, 27% and 19% in cluster form, 19%, 49% and32% in circinate one, and 0%, 14% and 86% inwaxy plaque. The types of hard exudates andretinal microangiopathy were significantly cor-related (p<0.01).
Incidence of macular hard exudates was 52% incluster group, 76% in circinate one and 86% inwaxy plaque group. The amount of macular hardexudates was positively correlated with impair-ment of visual acuity.

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