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合計受診者は6,652人で内,40歳以上は6,185人,受診率38.5%,平均年齢57±12.51歳であった。有病率(人)は全般に高緯度地区で高い傾向が認められたがPOAG0.61%,LTG 1.92%,PACG0.31%,その他緑内障0.68%,OH1.16%であった。POAG, LTG, OHの頻度に有意の性差はなかったがPACGのみ女性に高い傾向が認められた(p<0.1)。年齢別有病率では,加齢に伴う増加傾向がLTG, POAG, PACGの順に高く,OHは逆に減少傾向が認められた。欧米データとの違いは人種特異性と検査,診断精度の向上によるものと考えられる。
A collaborative glaucoma survey was organized in 7 regional areas in Japan. A total of 6,652 persons were examined through a two-stage screening process: tonometry and nonmydriatic fundus pho-tography in the first stage and automated per-imetry in the second. We employed an automated, computor-assisted diagnostic procedure.
Among a total of 6,185 persons aged over 40 years, the prevalence of primary open angle glau-coma was 0.61%, that of low tension glaucoma 1. 92%and primary angle closure glaucoma 0.31%. The prevalence of ocular hypertension was 1.16%. The differences between the current survey and hitherto reported values in the Caucasians may be ascribed to race-specific features as well as to advanced technology in identifying early glaucomatous changes in the present study.

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