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当院(名戸ヶ谷病院)の人間ドックでの緑内障の偽陽性を減らすために視野検査の導入を検討した。短時間の検査が可能であるfrequency doubling technology (FDT)を候補として,当院職員194名にFDTスクリーニングプログラムによる検査を行った。年齢は18歳から65歳,平均40.9±12.4歳であった。異常検査点が1個以上ある場合にはFDTの再検査を行い,7名が緑内障の疑いと判定された。詳細な2次検査の結果,6名(3.09%)が正常眼圧緑内障と診断され,FDTは7名中1名(14%)で偽陽性であった。この6名の異常検査点の数と,2次検査で行ったハンフリー視野検査でのmean deviationまたはcorrected pattern standard deviationとの間に有意な相関はなかった。以上の結果から,FDT検査を当院人間ドックに導入することにした。
We evaluated the frequency doubling technology (FDT) as a candidate item in the health-check program of our hospital. FDT can be performed within a short time and promises to decrease the rate of false-negative cases. As a preliminary step, 194 employees of the hospital were examined by FDT. Their ages ranged from 18 to 65 years, average 40.9±12.4 years. FDT was repeated in persons who showed one or more abnormal points, resulting in 7 persons who were found positive for glaucoma. Further detailed examina-tions led to the diagnosis of normal-tension glaucoma in 6 persons (3.09%). FDT was thus false negative in one out of 7 persons (14%). The number of abnormal points by FDT in the 6 persons was not significantly correlated either with the mean deviation or corrected pattern standard deviation by Humphrey Field Ana-lyzer. Based on the above findings, We decided to add FDT as a standard item in the health-check program of our hospital.

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