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過去に発表された4文献を統計学的に処理して,本邦での緑内障の年齢別有病率,発生率,年齢別患者数を推定した。解析にはSAS Mixed Procedureを用いた。原発開放隅角緑内障,正常眼圧緑内障,両者を合わせた開放隅角緑内障(OAG)の有病率は,いずれも加齢とともに増加し,高眼圧症は減少していた。OAGの新規発症率は加齢とともに漸減していた。40歳以上75歳未満のOAGの本邦での総患者数は約1,490,000人,有病率は2.66%で,有病率は白人と黒人の中間であった。複数の疫学調査を統計学的手法で解析することは可能であり,緑内障の医療行政の有益な情報となりうる。
We estimated the age-related prevalence and number of patients, and incidence of various types of glaucoma in Japan. Four reports dealing with the prevalence of glaucomas were analyzed using a SAS Mixed Procedure. The prevalence of primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) , normal-tension glaucoma (NTG) and open-angle glaucoma (OAG), which comprises both POAG and NTG, increased along with age. That of ocular hypertension decreased with aging. Incidence of new cases of OAG gradually decreased with aging. The total number of OAG patients between 40 and 74 years of age was estimated as 1,490,000 and its prevalence as 2.66% among the general population in Japan. Above prevalence lay between that in Caucasians and persons of African ancestry. Above findings show that it is possible to statistically analyze the reported data on epidemiological features of glaucoma and that the results will serve as a basis for medical care planning.
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