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最多はcheese wirlngの4例5側(8.1%)であったが,予後に影響はなかった。注意すべきは,抜去困難(3例3側,4.8%)と蜂窩織炎(1例1側,1.6%)であった。抜去困難は涙点切開で抜去できたが,涙小管閉塞で発生しやすい。涙嚢炎では,蜂窩織炎防止のため,涙嚢洗浄や抗菌薬などの前処置を十分に施すべきである。これらの合併症は本チューブを否定するものではないが異物であることと,涙道を非直視下に操作することを常に注意すべきであろう。
Nunchaku-style silicone tube was inserted for nasolacrimal duct obstruction in 62 eyes of 61 patients. Complications developed in 13 eyes (21%) during retention or removal of the tube. There were 5 eyes (8%) of cheese wiring without serious consequences. Difficulty in removal developed in 3 eyes (5%), which was more frequent in lacrimal duct atresia and which could be relieved by additional cutting of the lactimal punctum. Phlegmon developed in one eye. Above complications do not seem to disprove the value of silicone intubation but due precaution is necessary to the fact that the silicone tube is a foreign body and that the surgical manipulation is conducted without visual monitoring.

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