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(P1-3-13) 1997年の1年間に硝子体手術を行った1/3眼106例を検討した。原因疾患は,糖尿病網膜症53眼,網膜剥離32眼,黄斑円孔9眼,網膜上膜6眼,網膜中心静脈閉塞症4眼,その他7眼であった。2段階以上の視力改善が78眼(69%),不変が28眼(25%),2段階以上の悪化が4眼(4%),失明が3眼(3%)であった。視力低下例は網膜剥離4眼であり,失明は糖尿病網膜症3眼であった。網膜剥離では最終的に視力が回復した。糖尿病網膜症での失明は不可逆性であり,その原因は,前部増殖性硝子体網膜症と血管新生緑内障であった。
We reviewed a series of 113 eyes in 106 patients treated by vitreous surgery during 1997. Surgery was performed for diabetic retinopathy 53 eyes, retinal detachment 32 eyes, macular hole 9 eyes, epiretinal membrane 6 eyes, central retinal vein occlusion 4 eyes and others 7 eyes. The visual acuity improved by 2 lines or more in 78 eyes (69%) , remained unchanged in 28 eyes (25%) , deteriorated by 2 lines or more in 4 eyes (4%) and resulted in blindness in 3 eyes (3%) . Cases of visual deterioration comprised 4 eyes of retinal detachment and visual loss occurred in 3 eyes of diabetic retinopathy. The visual acuity finally improved in eyes of retinal detachment. Visual loss in diabetic retinopathy was irreversible and was due to anterior proliferative vitreoretinopathy and/or rubeotic glaucoma.

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