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(P2-3-19) 眼病変が合併する再発性多発性軟骨炎の3例を経験した。それぞれ23歳男性,21歳男性,56歳女性である。2例では上強膜炎が反復し,ステロイド薬点眼が有効であったが,1例では続発緑内障が生じた。他の1例では,上強膜炎,虹彩炎,網膜静脈炎,視神経乳頭炎が反復し,ステロイド薬点眼が奏効した。再発性多発性軟骨炎では,眼病変が好発し,その病像が多彩であることに留意すべきである。
We observed three cases of relapsing polychondritis with ocular complications. They were a 56-year-old female and two males aged 21 and 23 years each. Recurrent episcleritis was the major finding in 2 cases. It was brought under control by topical corticosteroid. Secondary glaucoma developed in one of the 2 cases. The third case manifested recurrent episcleritis, irits, retinal phlebitis and papillitis which responded to topical corticosteroid. These cases illustrate that various ocular complications may develop in cases of relapsing polychondritis.

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