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(P1-2-6) 17歳の中国人男性が,顔面の皮脂腺腫,てんかん,精神発育遅延,頭蓋内の石灰化などを呈し,結節性硬化症と診断された。矯正視力は,右1.5.左0.2であった。右眼は正常所見であった。左眼の乳頭上に6乳頭径大の黄白色の腫瘤があり,乳頭全体を覆って硝子体内に約5ジオプトリー突出していた。螢光眼底造影では上鼻側動脈の造影が不十分で,下鼻側動脈は造影されなかった。鼻側象限は低螢光で,無灌流であった。腫瘍塊には造影初期から色素の流入があり,造影後期には組織染を呈した。以上の所見から,本例は乳頭ドルーゼンではなく,乳頭前の結節形成であると判断された。
A 17-year-old Chinese presented with facial sebaceous adenoma, epilepsy, mental retardation and intracranial calcification. He was diagnosed as tuberous sclerosis. The corrected visual acuity was 1.5 right and 0.2 left. The right eye showed normal findings. In the left eye, a yellow-white tumor was present anterior to the disc. It was 6 disc diameters across, covered the whole disc area and protruded into the vitreous by about 5 diopters. Fluorescein angiography showed poor dye filling in the superior nasal artery and no dye inflow into the inferior nasal artery. The whole nasal hemisphere showed hypofluorescence due to nonperfusion. The dye appeared in the tumor mass from the early angiographic phase to result in tissue staining in the late phase. These findings led to the diagnosis of epipapillary tumor as related to tuberous sclerosis and not disc drusen.

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