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(P2-2-23) 両眼性の眼瞼痙攣の自覚症状の特徴を明らかにするため,66例にボツリヌス毒素治療前後にアンケート調査を行った。環境,動作,周囲の人間の状況で,痙攣は自覚的に変動した。自覚症状は,治療前には,眼瞼痙攣(100%),差明感(83%),眼乾燥感(44%),流涙(39%),口部不随意運動(29%),耳鳴(26%)であった。眼症状の有症率は,他覚的重症度とは無関係であった。治療後,痙攣が他覚的に軽症化しても,有症率は眼瞼痙攣(67%),着明感(46%),その他(21〜15%)であった。これらの自覚症状や心理状態による痙攣の変動の聴取,診察方法に留意することなどは,眼瞼痙攣の診療上有用であると思われた。
We asked 66 patients who underwent botulinum-toxin therapy for blepharospasm regarding the subjective symptoms. Predominant complaints before treatment were blepharospasm (100%), photophobia (83%), dry eye sensation (44%), epiphora (39%), involuntary oral movements (29%) and tinnitus (26%). The incidence of eye symptoms was independent of the objective severity of blepharospasm. Complaints persisted in some patients even after objective improvement after treatment, including blepharospasm (67%), photophobia (46%) and others (21%-15% ). Above findings illustrate that subjective feelings of patients with blepharospasm may be different in the daily life than in the consultation room. Due consideration of symptoms and emotional changes of patients is necessary in the diagnosis and planning of treatment for blepharospasm.

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