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(P1-2-35) 49歳男性が複視と左眼充血で受診した。3か月前に交通外傷があり,左側視神経管骨折に対して視神経管開放術を受けていた。検査所見から外傷性頸動脈海綿青争脈洞瘻と診断した。レーザースペックルフローグラフィーで,視神経乳頭と網脈絡膜循環不全があり,網膜静脈の拍動が増大していた。瘻孔閉塞術後に,眼内循環不全が改善し,静脈の拍動が減少し,視野・視力・中心フリッカー値が改善した。この所見から,本症での視機能の低下に,視神経と網脈絡膜の循環不全が関与していることが推定された。
A 49-year-old male presented with diplopia and hyperemia in his left eye. He had been involved in traffic accident 3 months before and had received decompression surgery for left optic canal fracture. We diagnosed him as traumatic carotid-cavernous sinus fistula. Laser speckle flowgraphy showed decreased circulation in the optic disc, the choroid and the retina. It also showed increased pulsation of retinal veins. Therapeutic embolization of the fistula was followed by improved intraocular circulation, decreased pulsation of retinal vein and improvements in visual acuity, visual field and critical fusion frequency. The findings suggest that the visual disturbance was associated with imparied intraocular circulation.

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