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健康な34歳女性と46歳男性に真菌性眼内炎が片眼性に発症した。前者では黄斑に滲出があり,雪玉様の硝子体混濁があった。後者では前房蓄膿性虹彩炎と硝子体混濁が初診時の所見であった。全身的に感染防御機能の低下ないし感染の誘因はなかった。2症例とも硝子体手術を行い,培養硝子体からCandfda albiansが検出された。健常者にも格別の誘因なしに真菌性眼内炎が発症することを示す例である。
We observed unilateral fungus endophthalmitis in two healthy persons : a 34-year-old female and 46-year-old male. The first case showed exudation in the macula with snowball vitreous opacity. The other case showed hypopyon iritis with vitreous opacity as the initial clinical sign. Both cases showed no disposing factors nor immunodeficient systemic features. Both eyes were successfully treated by vitreous surgery. Candida albicans was isolated from the cultured vitreous specimen. These cases illustrate fungus endophthalmitis may develop in healthy persons without predisposing factors.

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