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(展示169) 著明な視機能障害を呈し,最終的に失明した視神経乳頭黒色細胞腫の1例を経験した。28歳男性で,左眼の視神経乳頭部に漆黒の腫瘍と,これを中心とし黄斑部を含む領域に網膜浮腫,小出血,白色滲出物があった。視力低下,視野狭窄が次第に進行し,初診から1年9か月目に視力0となった。臨床的には悪性の経過をたどっているが,視神経乳頭黒色細胞腫と考え,現在も保存的に経過を観察している。
A-28-year-old male presented with a black tumor of the optic nervehead in the left eye. The tumor was accompanied by retinal edema, dot hemorrhages and soft exudates extending to the macula. The corrected visual acuity was 0.9. Central scotoma was present. He was diagnosed as melanocytoma of the optic nerve. The visual acuity gradually deteriorated during the course of follow up. The visual field became gradually constricted. He lost light perception 21 months after the initial visit. Computed tomography showed no posterior extension of the tumor.

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