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両眼性のtonic pupil (瞳孔緊張症)を合併したぶどう膜炎の1例を経験した。症例は37歳の女性で,左眼のlight-near dissociation, tonic reaction,副交感神経作動薬に対する過敏性などを特徴とするtonic pupilと漿液性網膜剥離を伴うぶどう膜炎がみられた。約1か月後,右眼にも同様の所見が出現した。ステロイド剤の点眼のみで眼底病変は消失したが,tonic pupilは残存した。約1年後に両眼とも夕焼け状眼底となった。全身検索では髄液細胞増多や感音性難聴はなかった。
A 37-year-old female was referred to us for bilalteral serous iridocyclitis. She manifested, additionally, serous retinal detachment and tonic pupil in the left eye. Similar findings developed in the right eye one month later. She was diagnosed as uveitis simulating Harada's disease with tonic pupil. While topical corticosteroid induced prompt reduction of inflammation in both eyes, the tonic pupil persisted. One year later, both eyes showed sunsetglow fundus due to depigmentation. The tonic pupil had resolved in both eyes.

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