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多病巣性線維性硬化症(multifocal fibrosclerosis)は,種々の部位に線維性病巣を生ずる原因不明の疾患である。症例は35歳の女性で,排膿を伴う右眼瞼の発赤・腫脹があり,MRIで眼窩腫瘤が認められた。血液検査で,CRPの上昇と血沈の亢進があり,経過中激しい腰痛が出現し,腹部MRIで大動脈を巻き込む後腹膜腫瘤がみられた。腹部腫瘤の生検で,病理組織学的にリンパ球と形質細胞の浸潤を伴う線維症の像が得られ,眼窩腫瘤と合わせて多病巣性線維性硬化症と診断した。副腎皮質ステロイドの全身投与を行ったところ,右眼窩および後腹膜腫瘤は縮小し,現在も経過観察中である。
A 35-year-old woman presented with lid swelling, pain and discharge of pus in the right eye. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a mass in the right orbit. Laboratory studies showed high C-reactive protein and elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate. She later developed severe abdominal pain. MRI showed a retroperitoneal mass involving the aorta. Biopsy of the abdomen showed lymphoplasmacytic infiltration and marked fibrosis consistent with a sclerosing inflammatory process. She was diagnosed as multifocal fibrosclerosis. Systemic corticosteroid induced improvement in clinical features.

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