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従来のpolymethylmethacrylate (PMMA)に近い物理的特性を持ち,折り曲げ挿入が可能で,屈折率が高いアクリルソフトからなる眼内レンズの,術後2年の臨床成績を検討した。対象は老人性白内障25例25眼(71.1±1.2歳,mean±SEM)で,超音波水晶体乳化吸引術ののち,3.4〜4.0mmの創から鑷子で折り曲げた眼内レンズを挿入した。矯正視力は術後3日で全例(100%)が0.5以上,18例(72%)が1.0以上であり,最終観察時点では全例(100%)が0.8以上,22例(92%)が1.0以上であった。角膜内皮細胞密度減少率は術後6か月で7.4±3.3%,術後2年で9.8±3.7%,フレアー・セルメーターで測定した前房内炎症の程度は,従来のPMMAやシリコーン眼内レンズよりも低かった。前嚢と後嚢の混濁も経過観察期間を通してきわめて軽微で,後発白内障は1例にみられたのみであった。
I evaluated the clinical status in 25 eyes, 25 patients, for 2 years after phacoemulsification-aspiration for cataract and implantation of a new acrylic soft intraocular lens. The intraocular lens was folded with forceps and implanted through a 3.4-4.0mm incision. Three days after surgery, corrected visual acuity was 0.5 or better in 100% of eyes and 1.0 in 72%. At 2 years after surgery, corrected visual acuity was 0.8 or better in all the eyes and 1.0 in 92%. The rate of corneal endothelial loss averaged 7.4±3.3% at 6 months and 9.8±3.7% at 2 years. Postoperative inflammation as quantitated by laser flare-cell meter was lower than other IOLs including foldable ones. The degree of anterior and posterior capsule opacification was impressively slight during the 2 years of observation. YAG laser capsulotomy was necessary in 1 eye only. The findings show that the acrylic soft intraocular lens is highly stable in the implanted eye and has clinical advantages for small-incision cataract surgery.

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