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A 26-year-old male presented with photophobia, discharge and irritation in his right eye. The visual acuity was 0.15 right and 1.0 left. The first examination revealed in both eyes, hyperemia in the lower eyelid margins and conjunctiva, concrements, pannus, dilated limbal vessels and punctate epithelial ker-atopathy. The right cornea was affected by localized subepithelial infiltrates in the lower hemisphere and thinning simulating posterior keratoconus. The nose showed telangiectasia at the tip. Acne rosacea was present in his face. Bacterial culture was negative. Topical ofloxacin and systemic minocycline resulted in reduction of conjunctival hyperemia and corneal infiltrates in one month. There has been no recurrence during the ensuing 3 years.

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