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久留米大学眼科(九州北部)と宮田眼科病院(九州南部)のぶどう膜炎の臨床統計をまとめた結果,九州北部ではベーチェット病が最も多く,九州南部ではトキソプラズマ症が最も多かった。原因不明のものは,九州北部では45.7%,九州南部では62.8%で,原因不明のぶどう膜炎患者群のヒトTリンパ球指向性ウイルスⅠ型(human T-lymphotropic virus type Ⅰ:HTLV-Ⅰ)抗体陽性率は,九州北部では16.0%,九州南部では38.7%で,原因の明らかなぶどう膜炎患者群の抗体陽性率より有意に高かった。HTLV-Ⅰ感染を原因に加えると,宮田眼科病院では最も多く,久留米大学眼科では4番目に多い原因疾患となった。
We reviewed the incidence of uveitis in two eyeinstitutions. At Kurume University Hopsital innorthern Kyushu, 387 uveitis cases were seen duringthe foregoing 29-month period. Behçet disease wasthe most frequent at 16.0%, followed by sarcoidosis12.4% and Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease(VKH) 9.6%. At Miyata Eye Hospital in southernKyushu, 457 uveitis cases were seen during the past41 months. Ocular toxoplasmosis was the mostfrequent at 10.5%, followed by VKH 7.6% andsarcoidosis 5.3%. Unclassifiable uveitis comprised62.8% in the series. Prevalence of seropositivity tohuman T-lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-Ⅰ)was 16.0% in Kurume University Hospital and38.7% in Miyata Eye Hospital. Seroprevalence toHTLV-Ⅰ was significantly higher in idiopathicuveitis than in uveitis of identified etiology, sugges-ting a possible correlation to HTLV-Ⅰ with uveitis.

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