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血管新生緑内障7例8眼にSeton移植手術を,6例6眼にトラベクレクトミーを,9例10眼に毛様体冷凍凝固術を施行し,それぞれの長期治療成績について検討した。術後眼圧が 6mmHg以上20mmHg以下にコントロールされた症例は,Seton移植手術で63%,トラベクレクトミーで83%,毛様体冷凍凝固術で30%であった。合併症は,Seton移植手術で白内障の進行,角膜内皮障害,無菌性眼内炎など重篤なものがあった。トラベクレクトミー,毛様体冷凍凝固術では重篤な合併症はなかった。視力予後はいずれの術式も不良であった。
We reviewed the results in 24 eyes with neovas-cular glaucoma treated with seton implant 8 eyes, trabeculectomy 6 eyes and cyclocryotherapy 10 eyes. The mean follow-up periods were 25.6, 18.8 and 19.1 months respectively. Ultimate control of intraocular pressure under 20 mmHg was attained in 63% of eyes after seton implant, 83% aftertrabeculectomy and 30% after cyclocryotherapy. Complications were frequent and serious after seton implant, including lens opacification 4 eyes, progressive corneal endothelial cell loss in all the eyes and aseptic endophthalmitis 1 eye. Severe complications were absent after trabeculectomy or cyclocryotherapy. We prefer trabeculectomy as the first choice in treating neovascular glaucoma. Seton implant and cyclocryotherapy are alternative therapeutic modalities.

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