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小眼球を伴わない39歳男子の片眼性のuveal effusionに対し,強膜弁下強膜切除術を行った。術式は,鼻上側,耳上・下側の3象限に輪部より4mm後方に,輪部側に底をもつ4×5mm の厚さ1/3層の強膜弁を作り,この中央で3×2mmの残り2/3層全層の強膜切除を行い,これより後方に強膜1/3層を残した1.5mm幅のトンネルを強膜弁の後方まで作り,トンネル周囲のテノン嚢を切除し,強膜弁は9-0ナイロン糸にて2糸縫合した。術中ぶどう膜の露出部より多量の上脈絡膜液の流出があり,脈絡膜剥離はほぼ消失した。網膜剥離は術後2日には消失し,以後1年間治癒している。術中切除した強膜は,膠原線維の薄葉の配列の乱れと大小不同がみられた。炎症所見はなかった。
A 39-year-old male presented with annular chor-oidal detachment and bullous retinal detachment in the inferior periphery in the left eye. We diagnosed the case as uveal effusion. The left eye measured 21.8 mm along the horizontal axis. The eye was moderately myopic.
We performed subscleral sclerectomy to createan outflow channel for the choroidal fluid in each of three quadrants. First, a rectangular partial -thickness scleral flap was made 4 mm posterior to the limbus. Second, a sclerectomy was placed in the center of the trapdoor. Third, a one-third thickness scleral tunnel was made posterior to the scler-otomy. This resulted in massive evacuation of choroidal fluid an in flattening of the fundus. The effect lasted over one year until now. Light and electron microscopic findings of the excised sclera failed to show inflammatory signs.
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