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80歳女性の上眼瞼に原発したメルケル細胞癌(Merkel cell carcinoma)を経験した。腫瘤の大きさは,22×35×20mmで,充実性,弾性硬,境界は比較的明瞭であり,皮膚との癒着はないが,表面の皮膚は血管腫様の赤紫色を呈しており,毛細血管の拡張が認められた。腫瘍は病理組織学的には,真皮上層より皮下組織にかけて存在した。腫瘍細胞は大きさの揃った類円形の核をもち,細胞質の乏しい裸核に近い細胞で,密接したシート状の増殖像を示していた。Grimelius染色で陽性,免疫組織化学染色でもNSE陽性を示し,電顕的にmembrane-bound dense-core gran-ulesが検出された。臨床的,病理組織学的に定型的なメルケル細胞癌の特徴を備えていた。
A 80-year-old woman presented with a tumor in her left upper eyelid. The tumor was elastic hard, welldefined and not adherent to the orbital margin. The skin overlying the tumor was reddish purple in appearance simulating simple angioma. The tumor was excised; it measured 22×35×20mm. His-tologically, the tumor involved the corium and the subcutaneous tissue. The tumor cells were arranged in a sheet-like pattern in hematoxylin-eosine stain-ing. They stained positive by Grimelius staining and immunohistological staining for neuron-spe-cific enolase. Electron microscopy showed mem-brane-bound dense-core granules in the cytoplasm. These features led to the diagnosis of Merkel cell carcinoma.

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