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We tested pharmacological pupillary responses in 20 eyes in 10 patients before and after panretinal photocoagulation with green argon laser for diabet-ic retinopathy in its preproliferative stage. Before photocoagulation, the eyes were supersensitive to topical instillation of 1.25% epinephrine and re-sponded with prompt mydriasis. The response to topical 0.125% pilocarpine was negligible. One to 3 months after photocoagulation, the pupillary response to topical epinephrine was less marked. Marked miosis resulted after instillation of 0.125% pilocarpine. The observed sensitivity to par-asympaticomimetic agents at low concentration appeared to he secondary to impairment of para-sympathetic nerve fibers by photocoagulation resulting in denervation in sphincter muscles.

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