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症例は38歳男性。右眼白内障手術を目的として入院。右眼視力50cm/n.d (n.c.),左眼に特記すべき所見なく,右眼に成熟白内障を認め,白内障嚢外摘出術を施行した。術後,右眼後極部に顆粒状または斑状の脱色素および色素沈着が広範にみられ,鼻下側周辺部に白色線維性増殖組織がみとめられた。螢光眼底検査,GP, ERG, EOGなどの臨床所見より眼球鉄錆症を疑ったが,画像診断上,眼内鉄片異物の確証が得られなかったため,摘出水晶体核の鉄含有量を測定した。
A 38-year-old male presented with mature cata-ract in his right eye. After uneventful extracapsular cataract extraction, we detected clinical findings suggestive of ocular siderosis through funduscopy, fluorescein angiography, perimetry and eletro-physiological examinations. While there was no evidence of intraocular foreign body through diag-nostic imaging procedures, we quantitated the con-tent of iron by atomic absorption spectro-photometry in the extracted lens nucleus and in 15 lens nuclei in senile cataract. We also quantitated the content of zinc and calculated the Fe/Zn ratio, as the wet weight of the lens nucleus might have changed during preservation. The Fe/Zn ratio was 3.2 in this patient and 0.48+0.17 in the control. We thus established the diagnosis of ocular siderosis. By further inquiry, the patient recalled an episode of perforating ocular injury 25 years before.

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