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We operated on 4 cases of Duane retractionsyndrome type I after the procedure of Kesten-baum. We evaluated the field of single binocularvision before and after surgery. The findingsshowed that muscle transposition procedure onboth eyes according to Kestenbaum is not recom-mended when there is an increase of retractionaccompanied by limitation of adduction or a verti-cal up- or downshoot during adduction secondaryto cocontraction of horizontal rectus muscles. Withan adequate amount of surgery, Kestenbaum proce-dure could improve the motility during abductionwhile maintaining the concomitance in the field ofadduction.The field of single binocular visioncould thus be shifted to the primary position fromthe nasal field of position without loss in the fieldof postsurgical binocular vision.

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