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A case of severe dry eye after traffic injury successfully treated with autologous serum eye drops Hiroki Nishimura 1,2,3 , Rohan Khemlani 1,2 , Ryo Terauchi 4 , Shintaro Nakayama 2,3 , Makoto Tanji 2,3 , Ryota Yokoiwa 2 , Rui Takahashi 1 , Ryunosuke Yoda 5 , Shinri Sato 1,3 , Eisuke Shimizu 1,2,3 1Yokohama Keiai Eye Clinic 2OUI Inc. 3Department of Ophthalmology, Keio University School of Medicine 4Department of Ophthalmology, Jikei University School of Medicine 5Contact Inc. pp.1096-1101
Published Date 2024/9/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410215271
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Abstract Purpose:To report a case of severe dry eye that was successfully treated with autologous serum eye drops at home in a patient requiring total assistance with daily living activities due to an extremely serious traffic injury.

Case and findings:A 31-year-old Japanese male who, after a traffic injury, required total assistance with activities of daily living and resided in a group home for individuals with severe disabilities. In this case, the patient presented with the chief complaint of redness of the right eye, prompting a request for an ophthalmology home visit. Upon examination, corneal opacification, corneal blood vessel infiltration, and filamentary material were observed in the right eye. Significant conjunctival congestion and Meibomian gland dysfunction were also noted, leading to a diagnosis of filamentary keratitis. No abnormal findings were observed in the left eye, and a fundus examination was difficult in both eyes due to poor transparency. The visiting internist prescribed hyaluronic acid eye drops and fluorometholone eye drops. After topical anesthesia, the filaments were removed, and the treatment was modified to betamethasone eye drops instead of fluorometholone eye drops. Additionally, with the family's consent, autologous serum eye drops were prepared and administered. One month after the visit, improvements were observed in corneal blood vessel infiltration, filamentary material, and conjunctival congestion, although the corneal opacification and Meibomian gland dysfunction persisted.

Conclusion:Autologous serum eye drops contain physiological active substances equal to or greater than those found in human tears. In this case, the use of autologous serum eye drops improved the patient's symptoms.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


