

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A case of vision-dependent vestibular disorder with successful intraocular lens replacement due to dissatisfaction after cataract surgery Kaori Morii 1,2 , Azusa Akashi 2 , Shinji Miura 2 , Toshifumi Otsuka 2 , Hinako Kubotani 2 , Keiji Tokunaga 2 , Mika Hasegawa 2 , Ritsuko Fujiwara 2 1Morii Eye Clinic 2Department of Ophthalmology, Asagiri Hospital pp.1103-1108
Published Date 2024/9/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410215272
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Abstract Purpose:We report a case in which a patient who was dissatisfied with cataract surgery had vision-dependent vestibular dysfunction, which was alleviated by restoring the perceived refractive power to the preoperative level.

Subjects and Methods:A 79-year-old woman had undergone bilateral cataract surgery at another hospital. Her postoperative visual acuity was good, but she was referred to our hospital because of postoperative dissatisfaction. She had strong complaints of floating sensation and dizziness. When a center of gravity sway test was performed, the patient was found to have vestibular dysfunction with strong visual dependence. The preoperative subjective refractive power was approximately −2.0D in both eyes, and since she did not normally wear glasses, it was thought that the change in subjective refractive power would make visual correction difficult and aggravate the vestibular disorder. Both intraocular lenses were replaced and the eye was refracted to −2.0D.

Results:The postoperative refraction was RV=0.2(1.2×−2.0D()cyl−1.0D 96°)LV=0.2(1.2×−1.75D()cyl−0.75D 87°), the subjective symptoms improved significantly, and the center of gravity sway test showed improvements.

Conclusion:A postoperative refractive power different from the preoperative power may aggravate the vestibular disorder.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


