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要約 目的:当院で経験した最近の梅毒性ぶどう膜炎の臨床像と予後を検討する。
結果:症例は計36例,平均年齢は41.4±11.4歳,男性が30例(83%),両眼発症例は17例(47%)で,human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)陽性例は11例(31%)であった。前眼部炎症は24例(67%),硝子体混濁は21例(58%),視神経乳頭の発赤は13例(36%)にみられた。フルオレセイン蛍光眼底撮影を施行した26例中,網膜静脈炎は23例(88%),動脈炎は19例(73%)にみられ,羊歯状の蛍光漏出も6例(23%)で確認された。黄斑浮腫は5例(19%)にみられた。急性の斑状網膜病変(ASPPC)は6例(17%)に,視神経炎の合併例は3例(8%)にみられた。治療はアモキシシリン水和物内服が25例(69%),ベンジルペニシリン点滴静注が7例(19%),ミノサイクリン塩酸塩内服が2例(6%)に行われ,ステロイド内服は5例(14%)で併用されていた。最終視力はおおむね良好で,32例(89%)が0.8以上に改善した。
Abstract Purpose:To clarify the clinical features and prognosis of cases of syphilitic uveitis recently encountered at our hospital.
Subjects and Methods:Using medical records, we retrospectively reviewed the demographic characteristics, clinical features, treatment, and prognosis of patients diagnosed with syphilitic uveitis at the Department of Ophthalmology, Tokyo Medical University Hospital during the 10 year period from 2012 to 2022.
Results:During the above period, there were a total of 36 cases with an average age of 41.4±11.4 years. Among these cases, 30 patients(83%)were men, 17 patients(47%)had bilateral lesions, and 11 cases(31%)were HIV positive. Anterior segment inflammation was found in 24 cases(67%), vitreous opacification in 21 cases(58%), and optic disc redness in 13 cases(36%). Fluorescein angiography findings included, retinal phlebitis in 23 cases(88%), arteritis in 19 cases(73%), and fern-like fluorescein leakage from retinal capillaries in 6 cases(23%). Macular edema was observed in 5 cases(19%). Acute syphilitic posterior placoid chorioretinitis(ASPPC)was observed in 6 cases(17%), and optic neuritis was observed in 3 cases(8%). Treatment included oral amoxicillin trihydrate in 25 cases(69%), intravenous benzylpenicillin in 7 cases(19%), and oral minocycline hydrochloride in 2 cases(6%). Oral steroids were also used concomitantly in 5 cases(14%). The prognosis for final visual acuity was generally favorable, with 32 cases(89%)improving to a score of 0.8 or more on the Landolt ring chart.
Conclusion:Because syphilitic uveitis can present with a variety of ocular findings, a serum syphilis test should be performed for any non-specific cases of uveitis. On the other hand, there are cases where characteristic fundus manifestations(such as ASPPC)are seen. It is possible to achieve a favorable visual prognosis in most cases by diagnosing and treating the disease as early as possible. The presence of concurrent HIV infection should also be investigated in patients with syphilitic uveitis.

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