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要約 目的:乾癬に伴うぶどう膜炎の臨床的な特徴の報告。症例:過去64か月間に受診した乾癬に伴うぶどう膜炎患者5例を診療録の記録から検索した。結果:男性2例,女性3例で,年齢は29~52歳(平均37歳)であった。ぶどう膜炎が3年以上前からある4例では両眼に発症し,罹患期間が短い1例では片眼発症であった。前部ぶどう膜炎が9眼すべてにあり,角膜後面沈着物を伴う非肉芽腫性虹彩毛様体炎があった。前房蓄膿が2例,虹彩後癒着が2例にあった。明らかな中間部または後眼部炎症はなかったが,囊胞様黄斑浮腫が3例に出現し,視力障害が永続化した。HLA検査を行った4例すべてがHLA-A2陽性であった。結論:乾癬に伴うぶどう膜炎は,非肉芽腫性の急性前部ぶどう膜炎の形をとり,高頻度に囊胞様黄斑浮腫が併発し,HLA-A2との相関が高い。
Abstract. Purpose:To report characteristic clinical features of uveitis in Japanese patients with psoriasis. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 5 patients with uveitis and psoriasis seen during the foregoing 64 months. Results:The series comprised 2 males and 3 females. The age ranged from 29 to 52 years, average 37 years. Both eyes were affected in 4 patients who had had uveitis for 3 years or longer. It was unilateral in one patients with shorter history of uveitis. All the affected 9 eyes showed anterior uveitis with keratic precipitates and nongranulomatous iridocyclitis. Hypopyon or posterior synechia was present in 2 eyes each. While intermediate or posterior uveitis was apparently absent, cystoid macular edema developed in 3 cases resulting in persistent visual impairment. HLA typing showed HLA-A2 in all 4 examined cases. Conclusion:Uveitis in patients of psoriasis is characterized by acute nongranulomatous iridocyclitis, by a high frequency of cystoid macular edema, and by probable relation with HLA-A2.

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