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要約 目的:抗アクアポリン4抗体陽性視神経炎(AQP4-ON)の診療過程における視力の経過を評価することで,視力予後の改善のためのヒントを得ること。
方法:2010年2月〜2023年4月に当院で経験したAQP4-ON 17例17眼を対象に,診療録を用いた後ろ向き調査を行った。検討項目は,発症から近医初診までの日数と近医初診時視力,発症から当院初診までの日数と当院初診時視力,近医初診時視力の分布と当院初診時視力の分布,および治療前視力(当院初診時視力と同じ)と治療後最高視力との相関である。
Abstract Purpose:To investigate the change of the visual acuities of anti-aquaporin antibody 4 positive optic neuritis(AQP4-ON)before, during and after treatment to improve the poor visual prognosis of AQP4-ON.
Methods:This retrospective case-controlled study including 17 cases of AQP4-ON was performed from February 2010 to April 2023. We compared the periods of time from disease onset to the first visit to the eye clinic to those from disease onset to the referral visit to our hospital. We also compared the visual acuities measured at the first visited eye clinic to those measured at our hospital. Finally, we compared the mean visual acuity before and after treatment in our hospital and investigated these correlations.
Results:The mean period from the onset to the first visit to the eye clinic was 2.24±1.64 days, while that from the onset to referral visit to our hospital was 7.70±5.09 days. The mean visual acuity measured at the first visited eye clinics was significantly better than that measured at our hospital. The mean visual acuity after treatment was significantly better than before treatment in our hospital, while better pretreatment visual acuity significantly correlated with better post-treatment visual acuity.
Conclusions:An earlier start of treatment and better visual acuity could contribute to better visual prognosis after treatment.

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