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要約 目的:線維柱帯切開術マイクロフック眼内法(μLOT)術後に発症した毛様体脈絡膜剝離(CCD)について調査を行う。
対象および方法:2022年7月〜2023年3月の間に大分大学医学部附属病院眼科にて,白内障手術と併用もしくは単独で,谷戸氏ab internoトラベクロトミーマイクロフック直を用いてμLOTを施行した43例50眼を対象とした。術前と術後に前眼部光干渉断層計(AS-OCT)を使用し,術後に発症したCCDを検討した。CCDはGrade分類(Grade 1〜3)を行い,さらに対象をCCD群,非CCD群に分類して比較・検討を行った。
結果:術後1日目にCCDが11眼(22%)で観察された。年齢,性別,病型,眼圧,術前眼圧下降薬の使用において,CCD群と非CCD群の間に有意差はみられなかった。Grade 3群と非CCD群とを比較すると,術後1日目と3日目においてGrade 3群の眼圧が有意に低かった。
Abstract Objective:This study aimed to investigate ciliochoroidal detachment(CCD)after microhook trabeculotomy ab interno(μLOT)surgery.
Patients and Methods:The study included 43 patients(50 eyes)who underwent μLOT surgery either in combination with cataract surgery or as a standalone procedure at the Oita University Hospital between July 2022 and March 2023. The patients were devided into the CCD and non-CCD groups based on preoperative and postoperative anterior segment optical coherence tomography data, and the two groups were compared.
Results:CCD was confirmed in 11 eyes(22%)on the first postoperative day. No significant differences were observed between the CCD and non-CCD groups regarding age, sex, glaucoma type, intraocular pressure, or preoperative use of intraocular pressure-lowering medications. A significant difference was noted in the intraocular pressures on the first and third postoperative days when comparing the grade 3 CCD group with the non-CCD group. Moreover, two eyes in the CCD group exhibited communication between the ciliary body detachment and the anterior chamber.
Conclusion:CCD may occur after μLOT surgery during the short postoperative period and may induce postopretaive fluctuations in the intraocular pressure.

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