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要約 目的:上脈絡膜出血は内眼手術における最も重篤な合併症であり,線維柱帯手術後に稀に生じる。今回筆者らは,緑内障術後の早期に生じた上脈絡膜出血の2例を経験したので報告する。
Abstract Purpose:To report two cases of suprachoroidal hemorrhage following trabeculectomy.
Cases:Case 1 is a 38-year-old man whose past history includes a scleral implant, vitrectomy, and cataract surgery on his right eye. Visual acuity of his right eye was(0.9)and intraocular pressure was 38 mmHg. The right eye was treated by trabeculectomy with mitomycin C. Suprachoroidal hemorrhage was observed on the second day after surgery. The vitrectomy with silicone oil injection was repeatedly performed. Final visual acuity of his right eye improved to(0.2).
Case 2 is a 62-year-old woman with secondary glaucoma due to uveitis on the left eye. Visual acuity was hand motion(n. c.)in his left eye and intraocular pressure of his left eye was 28 mmHg. Suprachoroidal hemorrhage was observed on the day after trabeculectomy. Vitrectomy was performed two weeks later, and suprachoroidal hemorrhage disappeared after the surgery.
Conclusion:Suprachoroidal hemorrhage may occur after trabeculectomy in cases with risk factors. Surgical intervention at an appropriate time can improve the progreses.

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