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要約 目的:RET融合遺伝子変異は非小細胞肺癌の2%に発生する稀少変異であり,治療薬としてチロシンキナーゼ阻害薬の1つであるセルペルカチニブが2021年9月に承認された。今回セルペルカチニブ治療で転移性脈絡膜腫瘍が著明に縮小したRET融合遺伝子陽性肺腺癌の1例を経験したので報告する。
症例:49歳,女性。2週間前からの左歪視を自覚した。近医眼科で左脈絡膜腫瘍を指摘され,兵庫県立はりま姫路総合医療センター眼科に紹介され受診した。矯正視力は右1.5,左0.8,左眼底に黄斑下脈絡膜腫瘍を認めた。精査目的で施行した胸部単純CTにて左肺野に結節影および縦隔リンパ節腫大を認めた。呼吸器内科での精査の結果,T1bN3M1cのStage ⅣB期の肺腺癌と診断され,シスプラチン,ペメトレキセド,ペムブロリズマブの併用療法が開始された。4コース終了後,副作用のためペムブロリズマブ単剤での維持療法となったが,治療開始7か月経過後も左脈絡膜腫瘍を含む全身の腫瘍の改善は認めなかった。RET融合遺伝子変異陽性が判明し,治療開始10か月でセルペルカチニブに変更した。
Abstract Introduction:Oncogenic rearranged during transfection(RET)gene fusions are rare mutations that are found in 2% of non-small cell lung cancers(NSCLC). In September 2021, selpercatinib, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, was approved in Japan for RET fusion-positive NSCLC. We report a case of RET fusion gene-positive lung adenocarcinoma in which a metastatic choroidal tumor was significantly reduced with selpercatinib treatment.
Case presentation:A 49-old-female patient presented with decreased visual acuity in the left eye for 2 weeks. She was diagnosed with left choroidal metastasis at an eye clinic and referred to our department.
Findings:Her best-corrected visual acuity was 20/20 in the right eye, and 20/25 in the left eye. Fundus examination revealed subretinal lesions located above the macula. Computed tomography(CT)scans of the chest showed a pulmonary nodule in the left lobe and mediastinal lymphadenopathy. She was diagnosed with pathological stage ⅣB lung adenocarcinoma(T1bN3M1c), received chemotherapy using cisplatin, pemetrexed, and pembrolizumab. After four cycles of chemotherapy, she was switched to maintenance therapy with single agent pembrolizumab due to adverse effects. Despite switching treatment, after 7 months, tumors in the choroidal metastasis and primary lesion showed no improvement. During treatment, the patient was identified as RET fusion gene-positive. After 2 weeks of RET-targeted therapy, OCT revealed a significant response for choroidal metastasis.
Conclusion:We report a case of a patient with NSCLC with choroidal metastasis. The patient showed a good response to selpercatinib. The progress of the choroidal metastasis should be used to determine the effectiveness of treatment.

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