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要約 目的:緑内障点眼薬の副作用のため,継続した点眼治療に難渋することがある。緑内障点眼によると思われたアレルギー症状が涙囊鼻腔吻合術(DCR)を施行後に改善し,点眼再開が可能になった症例を1例経験したので報告する。
Abstract Purpose:Occasionally, due to the side effects of glaucoma eye drops, continuous eye drop treatment may be difficult. We report a case in which allergic symptoms thought to be caused by glaucoma eye drops treatment improved after dacryocystorhinostomy, following which resumption of eye drop treatment became possible.
Case:A 68-year-old woman, who had been taking eye drops to treat glaucoma, developed right eye allergic symptoms and superficial keratitis, and repeatedly changed glaucoma eye drops. Even after changing eye drops to travoprost, she had the same symptoms and had difficulty with her right eye glaucoma treatment, following which she was reffered to our department. At her first visit, she had a right intraocular pressure of 14 mmHg, a left intraocular pressure of 12 mmHg, right mild superficial keratitis and palpebral conjunctival hyperemia, and no abnormal findings in her anterior segment or angle. Her lacrimal meniscus height was normal, but her right lacrimal sac lavage examination revealed an inability to pass water, with bloody regurgitation and a large drainage of pus. She underwent a lacrimal contrast-enhanced computed tomography(CT)and her right dilated lacrimal sac was imaged, and she was diagnosed with right chronic dacryocystitis. It was thought to contribute to right conjunctivitis, and she underwent a right dacryocystorhinostomy.
Result:Postoperatively, a lavage examination of the right lacrimal sac made it possible to pass water, and the eye symptoms improved. The right eye drop treatment of travoprost was resumed, and eye symptoms had not recurred.
Conclusions:Chronic dacryocystitis is also considered to be one of the causes when it is difficult to continue glaucoma eye drops treatment due to eye drop allergic symptoms.
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