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要約 目的:治療前に網膜外層所見の改善を認め,良好な経過をたどった,急性梅毒性後部脈絡網膜炎(ASPPC)の1例を報告する。
症例:55歳,男性。右眼の中心霧視のため受診した。右矯正視力は0.2,黄斑部の耳側に黄白色の病変と,視神経乳頭に軽度発赤がみられた。光干渉断層計所見は右眼の網膜外層が消失し,血清学的検査は梅毒脂質抗体定量値 62.8 R. U.,梅毒トレポネーマ抗体定量値 3,244.0 T. U. と高値を示した。梅毒感染に伴うASPPCと臨床診断した。治療開始前に自覚症状の改善がみられ,右矯正視力は0.3pに回復した。自然経過で網膜外層が光干渉断層計で観察できるようになった。ベンジルペニシリンカリウム点滴加療(2400万単位/日,14日間)を行い,右矯正視力は1.2pに回復した。点滴加療終了時には光干渉断層計で網膜外層所見は正常化した。
Abstract Purpose:We report a case of acute syphilitic posterior placoid chorioretinitis(ASPPC), which showed improvement in the outer retinal layers before treatment and followed a favorable course.
Case:A 55-year-old male presented with blurred vision in the right eye. Best corrected visual acuity of the right eye was 20/100. The right eye showed yellow-white lesions around the macula and mild redness of the optic nerve. Optical coherence tomography(OCT)showed loss of the outer retinal layer. Rapid plasma reagin and Treponema pallidum hemagglutionation assay were positive. He was clinically diagnosed with ASPPC by syphilis infection. Before the start of treatment, the subjective symptoms resolved spontaneously and the best corrected visual acuity of the right eye improved to 20/40. The outer retinal layers could be observed by OCT. The patient was treated with benzylpenicillin(24 million units/day for 14 days). The visual acuity was improved to 20/20, and the outer retinal layer normalized.
Conclusion:This case responded to the treatment. And the finding of outer retinal layer in OCT resolved spontaneously before the treatment. The abnormalities in outer retinal layer should be considered as a possibility for ASPPC. We hope this case report will be helpful for considering a different diagnosis.

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