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要約 目的:近年,急性後天共同性内斜視(AACE)のうち,スマートフォンを含むデジタルデバイスの過剰使用によるAACE(SAACE)の発症が注目されている。SAACEは過剰な近見作業から輻湊痙攣による内直筋の緊張が増大し,内斜視になると考えられている。発症背景には,近視や輻湊と開散の不均衡などが挙げられているが,解剖学的な検討は少ない。今回,手術となった症例における術中水平直筋の所見を検討した。
Abstract Purpose:Acute acquired concomitant esotropia(AACE)induced by excessive digital device usage, especially smartphones(smartphone associated AACE:SAACE), has been increasing over the past few years. Convergence spasm induced by excessive near work is one of the suggested mechanisms. Anatomical differences could also potentially contribute to the onset of SAACE. The present study was performed to investigate the anatomical differences in horizontal recti between SAACE patients and normal subjects.
Subjects and Methods:The distances between limbus and the insertion of horizontal recti(LI distance)were measured intraoperatively in 14 patients with SAACE(SAACE group). The widths of horizontal recti at the insertion(insertion width)were also measured. Twenty-one patients who underwent surgery for retinal detachment were considered as controls. The differences in the LI distances and insertion widths between the SAACE and the control groups were investigated.
Results:There were no differences in the LI distances and insertion widths of lateral recti between both groups. However, the LI distances of medial recti were significantly shorter in the SAACE group(p<0.05). There was also a tendency of larger insertion widths of medial recti in SAACE group. Compared to the control group, the medial/lateral ratio of LI distances was significantly lower and that of insertion widths was significantly higher in SAACE group(p<0.05).
Conclusion:The findings of more anterior insertion and larger muscle width indicate stronger force of medial recti in the SAACE group. In addition to excessive accommodation followed by increases in the tonus of medial recti, anatomical imbalance between lateral and medial recti was suggested to contribute to the onset of esotropia following excessive near work.
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