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要約 目的:ドーム状の隆起性病変を呈し,転移性脈絡膜腫瘍を疑う眼底所見から悪性リンパ腫の診断に至った1例を経験したので報告する。
所見:初診時視力は両眼(1.2)で,両眼に虹彩炎と網膜出血の散在がみられた。0.1%ベタメタゾン点眼液の開始2週間後には,虹彩炎は消退し,網膜出血も吸収傾向を示した。内科で施行した骨髄穿刺で悪性リンパ腫を示唆する所見はなく,全身状態も改善がみられた。2か月後に右眼底下鼻側に転移性脈絡膜腫瘍を疑う約10乳頭径大の黄白色隆起性病変が出現した。内科に依頼したPET/CTにより脾臓,肺結節部,眼球後壁に異常集積がみられ,脾臓の生検が施行された。High-grade B-cellリンパ腫(Stage Ⅳ)の診断に至り,R-EPOCH療法開始となった。治療開始時には右視力は(0.7)に低下し,黄斑部に及ぶ下方2象限の漿液性網膜剝離へと拡大していたが,化学療法開始2週間後には改善を示した。化学療法開始6か月後に完全寛解となり,病変部に萎縮は残存するが視力も(1.2)に回復した。
Abstract Purpose:To report a case of malignant lymphoma diagnosed from fundus findings indicating metastatic choroidal tumor.
Case and finding:The patient is a 75-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis. She had been treated with methotrexate. Fever, cytopenia, multiple pulmonary nodules, and multiple masses in the spleen were noted. She was transferred to our hospital, and referred to our department for differentiating sarcoidosis and malignant lymphoma. Visual acuity at the first visit was 20/20 OU. Iritis and scattered fundus hemorrhage were present in both eyes. Two weeks after starting 0.1% betamethasone ophthalmic solution, iritis disappeared and fundus hemorrhage showed tendency to absorb. However, a large yellowish-white elevated lesion, suspected of metastatic choroidal tumor, appeared on the inferior nasal side of her right fundus after 2 months. PET/CT showed abnormal accumulation in spleen, lung nodules, and posterior wall of right eyeball. Splenic biopsy resulted in diagnosis of High-grade B-cell lymphoma(Stage Ⅳ). R-EPOCH therapy was initiated. At onset of treatment, right visual acuity decreased to 20/32, and serous retinal detachment in the lower two quadrants involving macula. Two weeks later, ocular manifestation showed improvement. The patient achieved complete remission, and her visual acuity recovered to 20/20 with remaining retinal atrophy.
Conclusion:Diversity of ocular findings of intraocular lymphoma and the importance of observing with malignant lymphoma in mind are suggested.

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