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要約 目的:内因性眼内炎は眼外に感染巣を伴い,血行性転移により眼内炎を呈する疾患である。高齢者や糖尿病患者に多く,肝膿瘍やカテーテル関連感染などが原因として多い。今回,歯科治療後に発症した内因性眼内炎の生来健康な女性例を報告する。
Abstract Background:Endogenous endophthalmitis develops following hematogenous spread of an extraocular infection. This condition is common in the elderly and diabetic patients, and often occurs secondary to liver abscess or catheter-related infections. In the present study, we report a case of endogenous endophthalmitis in an innately healthy woman that developed after dental treatment.
Case:A 47-year-old woman with no significant medical history underwent dental treatment. She came to our clinic because she was aware of loss of vision in her right eye, which progressed over two days. Her corrected visual acuity was hand motion in the right eye. Slit-lamp examination showed cells in the anterior chamber and hypopyon. Fundoscopy revealed vitreous opacity and a yellowish-white exudate near the posterior pole. Optical coherence tomography revealed an elevated subretinal lesion in the same area. A CT scan of the whole body showed no obvious focus of infection, although the results of blood tests showed an elevated inflammatory response. Hence, the patient was admitted to the hospital and intranvenous meropenem were started. However, the intraocular inflammation had worsened by the following evening, and therefore she underwent vitrectomy. Intraoperative findings showed marked vitreous opacities, extensive intraretinal abscess formation, and retinal detachment, making complete recovery difficult. Group B streptococcus, a common oral bacterium, was detected in the vitreous humor specimen obtained for culture, and a diagnosis of endogenous endophthalmitis triggered by dental treatment was established. Postoperatively, intravenous antibiotic treatment were continued, which resulted in decrease in the intraocular inflammation, although the corrected visual acuity in her right eye remained at the finger counting level.
Conclusion:Endogenous endophthalmitis as a result of dental treatment can develop even in healthy adults. In such cases, prompt surgical treatment should be considered as causative organisms, such as group B streptococci, are associated with a poor visual prognosis.

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