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要約 背景:梅毒による眼感染症(ocular syphilis)は多彩な所見を呈し,早期の診断は難しい。今回,後天性梅毒の初診時所見が両眼視神経乳頭浮腫であった症例を経験したので報告する。
結論:Ocular syphilisは梅毒感染の第2期以降でみられる。OCT所見では特徴的な網膜外層や網膜色素上皮異常がみられると報告されているが,発症初期では乳頭浮腫のみで典型的なOCT所見を示さない例があり,診断にあたっては注意を要する。
Abstract purpose:To report a case of ocular syphilis infection with an unusual presentation of bilateral papilledema as the initial manifestation
Case/Findings:A 35-year-old man presented with a 2-week history of photopsia in his left eye. He had a social history of multiple heterosexual partners. On fundus examination, swelling was noted in the bilateral optic and peripapillary retina. Optical coherence tomography(OCT)did not show outer retinal abnormalities, but showed mild vitritis. Fundus fluorescein angiography showed optic disc leakage, late staining in the affected area in both eyes, and peripheral vascular leakage in the left eye. Serologic test revealed ocular syphilis. He was treated with intravenous injections of benzylpenicillin(18 million units per day)for 14 days. After the completion of the 2-week therapy, his ocular findings resolved quickly. There was no recurrence during the 6 months of follow-up.
Conclusions:This patient presented with a rare bilateral papilledema caused by ocular syphilis as initial manifestation. Therefore, papilledema should be considered as the initial manifestation of ocular syphilis.

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