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要約 目的:眼疾患のある患者に対して,視覚補装具であるHOYA社製の暗所視支援眼鏡MW-10HiKARI(以下,MW-10)の有用性について自覚的印象による評価を行った。
Abstract Purpose:To evaluate the usefulness of MW-10HiKARI(MW-10)visual aid glasses in patients with ocular diseases.
Materials and Methods:The study involved 49 eyes of 25 patients(14 men, and 11 women;mean age, 71±12 years;range, 33〜88 years)with visual impairment(visual field defect, night blindness, or vision loss). A standard lens or a wide-angle lens was mounted on the MW-10 and were provided to the patients for use. They were requested to walk in the clinic and fill a questionnaire regarding the usefulness of the instrument on a 5-point scale and in a free-form format. Three experiments were conducted;the first and second experiments involved evaluation by patients with visual impairment and by patients with retinitis pigmentosa, respectively. The third experiment compared the findings in patients≦71 years and those>71 years of age.
Results:The questionnaire findings between the use of a normal lens and that of a wide-angle lens in experiments 1 and 3 were comparable;however, the use of a wide-angle lens was significantly different from that of a normal lens in experiment 2(p<0.05). The answer to the question on the use of the instrument was recorded as “It looks bright” by more than half of the patients, but some patients expressed a few limitations, such as the “Screen is small” and “It is difficult to get the feeling of the distance and the third dimension”.
Conclusion:Although a few limitations were recorded with the use of visual aid glasses, which could be improvised further, it may prove to be a useful device for improving the quality vision in patients with visual impairment.
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