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要約 目的:糖尿病黄斑浮腫(DME)に対するマイクロパルス閾値下凝固後の網膜毛細血管瘤(MA)の変化を評価する。
対象と方法:チャートレビューによる後ろ向き観察研究。聖路加国際病院にてマイクロパルスレーザー(IRIDEX IQ577TM)を用い,MAを有する糖尿病黄斑浮腫患者に対しMA凝固を行わずに網膜色素上皮層に閾値下レーザーを施行し,術前および術後1か月までOCTA(ZEISS Cirrus® HD-OCT 5000 OCT angiography)にて経時的にMAを撮影し,術前後のMAの評価が可能であった症例を抽出した。En face OCTA画像とBモードのドップラー像を用いてレーザー前後のMAの数,ドップラー像による血流の変化を評価した。主要評価項目は術1か月後の網膜全層,浅層,深層のMAの数の変化,副次評価項目は,術前,術1か月後の最高矯正視力,中心窩網膜厚(CRT),黄斑体積の変化とした。
Abstract Purpose:To evaluate the change of retinal microaneurysm after subthreshold micropulse coagulation for diabetic macular edema.
Cases and Method:A retrospective observational study by chart review. Using a micropulse laser(IRIDEX IQ577TM)at St. Luke's International Hospital, a subthreshold laser was applied to the retinal pigment epithelial layer without MA coagulation in diabetic macular edema patients with microaneurysm(MA).MAs were continuously observed by OCTA(ZEISS Cirrus HD-OCT 5000 OCT Angiography)before and one month after the operation. Eyes in which MAs were clearly visualized before and after the operation were included in this study. Using the En face OCTA image and the B-mode Doppler image, the number of MAs before and after the laser and the change in blood flow due to the Doppler findings were evaluated. The primary endpoint was the change in the number of MAs in each retinal layer(the entire retina, superficial, and deep layers)one month after surgery, and the secondary endpoints were the maximum corrected visual acuity before and one month after surgery, foveal retinal thickness(CMT), the change in macular volume.
Results:The results of 11 eyes and 11 eyes(7 males and 4 females, average age 66.7 years)were evaluable. The average number of MAs in the 3×3 mm2 angle of view depicted by OCTA was 7.5, 4.2, 3.4 before treatment and 5.8, 3.5, 2.4 one month after treatment in the entire retina, superficial, and deep layers, respectively. MAs decreased significantly in entire retina and deep layers. Visual acuity(logMAR), CMT(μm), and macular volume(mm3)were 0.12, 343.3, and 11.0 before treatment, and 0.19, 329.2, and 10.6 one month after treatment, respectively.
Conclusion:MAs promptly decreased in one month after subthreshold micropulse coagulation, suggesting that MA decrease is leading to decrease in macular edema.

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