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要約 目的:糖尿病黄斑浮腫(DME)に対して,照射位置の記録が可能な577nmレーザー光ナビゲーションレーザーを用いて閾値下レーザーを行った症例の治療成績と合併症を後ろ向きに検討した。
対象と方法:対象は血管内皮増殖因子阻害薬など既存治療後にも浮腫が遷延した14例16眼。Navilas® 577+を用いて閾値下レーザーを行い,3か月後の視力,中心窩網膜厚(CFT)を評価した。レーザー照射による網膜変化を光干渉断層撮影と眼底自発蛍光を用いて評価した。
Abstract Purpose:To evaluate the efficacy of 577 nm subthreshold micropulse laser with navigation system on refractory diabetic macular edema.
Methods:Retrospective observational case series. Sixteen eyes of 14 patients with prolonged macular edema after prior treatment with anti-VEGF therapy, steroid injection, or vitrectomy were followed for 3 months after subthreshold laser treatment. Visual acuity and central foveal thickness on the images of optical coherence tomography were measured.
Results:Mean logMAR was 0.3±0.3 before laser treatment and 0.3±0.4 three months after treatment(p=0.51). There was no eye with decrease in visual acuity during follow-up. Mean central foveal thickness(CFT)significantly decreased to 342.4±189.3 μm at 3 month after treatment from 412.5±152.3 μm before treatment(p=0.02). Ten of 16(63%)eyes showed over 20% decrement of CFT compared to that before treatment. No eyes showed retinal damage on fundus autofluorescence images.
Conclusion:577 nm subthreshold laser has potential efficacy on refractory diabetic macular edema.

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