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要約 目的:はつゆき草樹液による眼障害を3例経験した。そのうち1例では眼内まで炎症が波及していたので,園芸家などへの警鐘も含めて報告する。
Abstract Purpose:We report three cases of ocular inflammation caused by Euphorbia sap.
Case:A 75-year-old lady was suffered from the sap in her right eye, when working in a garden. Clinical findings showed bulbar injection, corneal erosion, and Descemet's fold in her right eye. Inflammatory cells were found in the anterior chamber. Antibacterial and steroid eye drops reduced the inflammations. Another 81-year-old man felt the sap in his both eyes. He was administrated antibacterial, steroid, and hyaluronic acid eye drops with wearing contact lenses. A 75-year-old lady got the sap in her right eye. Her right cornea showed epitherial detachment and Descmet's folds. Her corneal condition improved after four days by antibacterial eye drop and ointment therapy.
Conclusion:Euphorbia sap contains several toxic alkaloids, such as Euphorbin, which causes a severe corneal disorders, and intracameral inflammations. It is important that ophthalmologists enlighten this risk that the sap damages our eye to horticultural shops and gardeners.

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