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要約 目的:リンパ球由来の悪性疾患のうち,リンパ球増加が主体であれば慢性リンパ性白血病(CLL),リンパ節病変が主体であれば小細胞性リンパ腫(SLL)であるが,同一疾患としてCLL/SLLと診断されることもある。今回筆者らは,眼窩に浸潤したCLL/SLLの2症例を報告する。
Abstract Purpose:Chronic lymphocytic leukemia(CLL)is characterized by peripheral blood B-cell lymphocytosis and small lymphocytic lymphoma(SLL)is diagnosed on the presence of lymphadenopathy. Both of CLL and SLL are clonal B cell lymphoid malignancies and they are considered the same entity as CLL/SLL. We report the two cases of orbital CLL/SLL.
Cases and Findings:Case 1 was a 78-year old male who was diagnosed as CLL and presented with masses underneath the lower eyelids. Lymphocyte count was 18,452/μl and orbital imaging showed bilateral orbital tumors and the splenomegaly. Histological examination of extracted tumors showed an infiltration of small lymphocytes without atypia that stained positive for CD5 and CD23, consistent with CLL/SLL. Two years after the tumor extraction, no recurrence was observed. Case 2 was 62-year old male referred to us for swelling of the left upper eyelid. Lymphocyte count was 8,789/μl and the extracted tumor showed infiltration of small lymphocytes which were immunopositive for CD5 and CD23. Pathologic diagnosis was CLL/SLL. Since the residual orbital tumor, splenomegaly and the swollen cervical lymph node were detected, ibrutinib was administered and the size of orbital tumor decreased dramatically.
Conclusion:Immuno-phenotyping markers were helpful in the diagnosis of CLL/SLL and the two cases revealed the indolent course of malignant lymphoma.

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