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要約 目的:中枢神経系の悪性リンパ腫に先行した網脈絡膜の滲出性病変が自然消退した1例の報告。
所見と経過:矯正視力は右1.2,左1.0で,両眼の前房と硝子体には異常がなかった。右眼底の中間周辺部に複数の網脈絡膜萎縮があった。左眼底には周辺部の2か所に大きな滲出斑があり,眼超音波検査でのその高さは最大約2.5mmであった。以後2か月間,右眼の所見には変化がなく,左眼の滲出性病変は萎縮化した。初診から3か月後に歩行障害が生じ,CTで右前頭葉に径3.5 cm大の腫瘍が発見された。生検で中枢神経系の悪性リンパ腫であるびまん性大細胞型B細胞リンパ腫と診断され,アポトーシスを伴っていた。化学療法で4か月後に脳腫瘍は消退した。初診から1年後の現在,両眼とも網脈絡膜萎縮の状態が続いている。
Abstract Purpose: To report a case who showed spontaneous regression of subretinal exudation presumably secondary to primary lymphoma of central nervous system.
Case: A 77-year-old woman was referred to us for exudative lesions in the left fundus. She had been followed up for suspected macular degeneration since 2 years before.
Findings and Clinical Course: Corrected visual acuity was 1.2 right and 1.0 left. The right eye showed multiple atrophic chorioretinal lesions in the midperiphery. The left eye showed two large chorioretinal exudative lesions in the midphery. An ultrasound examination showed maximally 2.5 mm in height. During the following 2 months, the exudative lesion in the left fundus regressed and turned into atrophic foci. She developed difficulty in gait 3 months after her initial visit. Computed tomography(CT)showed a tumor mass measuring 3.5 cm in diameter in the right anterior cerebral lobe. Biopsy led to the diagnosis of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with findings of apoptosis. She received chemotherapy and the brain tumor regressed 4 months later. Her both eyes have remained unchanged for one year until present.
Conclusion: Spontaneous regression of chorioretinal exudate in the present case appears to be associated with apoptosis of malignant lymphoma.

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