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要約 目的:VERION®にて術直後から翌日にかけてトーリック眼内レンズ(IOL)の回旋を測定可能かを検討した。
Abstract Purpose:To report the outcome of measurement of rotation after insertion of toric intraocular lens(IOL)by means of VERION®.
Cases and Method:This study was made on 34 eyes of 30 cases who received cataract surgery with insertion of toric IOL. The state of IOL rotation was measured by means of VERION® immediately after surgery and one day later. Three parameters were measured. One was the angle between the point marked on the IOL and the point of characteristic conjunctival vessel. The second was the angle between the toric mark on IOL and baseline. The third was the angle between the toric mark and the implant line of VERION®.
Findings:Angle of rotation of toric IOL differed by 10 degrees or more in 4 eyes(11.8%)and by 5 degrees or less in 30 eyes(88.2%). In all these 30 eyes, difference between the toric mark on IOL and baseline was 5 degrees or less immediately after surgery and the following day.
Conclusion:The implanted toric IOL is not rotated when the angle between the toric mark and the line of VERION® is in alignment measured on the day after surgery. Due precaution is necessary as the line of VERION® may have shifted during 24 hours after surgery.
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