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要約 目的:学習の相談があった視覚障害者手帳に該当しない脈絡膜欠損の1例についてFunctional Vision Score(FVS)の評価を行ったので報告する。
結果:矯正視力は右0.2,左0.3。両眼の脈絡膜欠損は虹彩と眼底では乳頭と黄斑に及んでいた。GPとCTの2つの検査からそれぞれのFVSを算出し,American Medical Association(AMA)Classを用い判定すると,GPはFVS=61でCTはFVS=57でどちらもClass 2の中等度視覚喪失であった。
結論:手帳該当がない脈絡膜欠損の症例で,FVSでは患者の不自由さを実勢に即して評価することができた。GPとCTいずれの方法でもAMA Classでの判定は同じで,HFによるFVS判定の有効性が示された。
Abstract Purpose:To report a case of bilateral choroidal coloboma who sought advice regarding low vision during junior high school and who was evaluated using functional visual score.
Case:A 14-year-old girl presented with complaints of difficulty in school life dye to poor vision.
Findings:Best corrected visual acuity was 0.2 in the right eye and 0.3 in the left. Both eyes showed iris and choroidal coloboma with nystagmus. Functional visual score was 61 by Goldmann perimetry and 57 by Colenbrander test in Humphrey perimeter. This case failed to be classified as visually disabled by legal definitions in Japan but met the terms of classification as moderate visual loss by standards of American Medical Association.
Conclusion:Good correlation was present in functional visual score by Goldmann perimetry and Colenbrander test. Functional visual score was useful in evaluating the degree of visual impairment in the present case of bilateral choroidal coloboma.

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