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要約 目的:脈絡膜骨腫では,約半数で脈絡膜新生血管などにより視力が低下するとされている。脈絡膜骨腫に続発した脈絡膜新生血管に対し,1回のベバシズマブ硝子体注射と光線力学療法で視力が改善し,長期に維持された症例の報告。
Abstract Purpose:To report a case of choroidal osteoma with choroidal neovascularization who maintained good visual acuity for 2 years following a single session of photodynamic therapy and intravitreal injection of bevacizumab.
Case:A 17-year-old female was referred to us for impaired vision and central scotoma in the left eye since 2 weeks before. Serous retinal detachment had been detected by the referring physician.
Findings and Clinical Course:Corrected visual acuity was 1.2 right and 0.4 left. Myopia of −5 diopters was present in the right eye and −6 diopters in the left. The left eye showed a whitish-yellow lesion in the central fundus with hemorrhage. Computerized tomography(CT)showed calcification in the posterior fundus. Additional clinical findings led to the diagnosis of choroidal osteoma with choroidal neovascularization. The left eye was treated by a single session of photodynamic therapy and intravitreal injection of bevacizumab. Fundus hemorrhage disappeared one month later. Visual acuity in the left eye improved to 1.2 ten months later. The fundus lesion has been stabilized for 2 years until present with left visual acuity of 0.8.
Conclusion:Photodynamic therapy and intravitreal injection of bevacizumab resulted in stabilization of choroial osteoma with choroidal neovascularization.

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