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要約 目的:眉間および鼻唇へのヒアルロン酸製剤や自己脂肪組織の誤注入により網膜動脈閉塞をきたすことが報告されている。側頭部へのヒアルロン酸製剤注入により網膜動脈閉塞をきたした1例を経験したので報告する。
Abstract Purpose:To report a case of branch retinal artery occlusion following injection of hyaluronic acid solution to the temple for cosmetic purpose.
Case:A 34-year-old woman was referred to us for acute blurring and pain in the left eye. She had received hypodermic injection of hyaluronic acid fluid to the temple through a 25 G cannule 20 hours before.
Findings and Clinical Course:Corrected visual acuity was 1.5 right and 0.05 left. The left fundus showed numerous white patches. Fluorescein angiography showed multiple emboli in retinal arteries. The right eye was diagnosed with multiple retinal artery occlusion. Left visual acuity improved to 1.2 six months later. White retinal lesions turned into pigmented scars.
Conclusion:Injected hyaluronic acid solution may have entered one the temporal arteries and eventually appeared in the central retinal artery. No similar cases have been reported to our best knowledge.

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