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要約 目的:抗血管内皮増殖因子(VEGF)薬で加療した網膜中心静脈閉塞症の症例で,カリジノゲナーゼの内服が網膜血流に及ぼす影響の報告。
対象と方法:過去64か月間に網膜中心静脈閉塞症で受診した56例56眼を対象とした。男性28例,女性28眼で,平均年齢は68.7±10.6歳である。全例に黄斑浮腫があり,抗VEGF薬の硝子体内投与を複数回行った。カリジノゲナーゼを紹介医から経口投与されていた26例では治療をそのまま継続し,投与されていない30例ではそのまま非投与とした。乳頭大血管の血流速度をlaser speckle flowgraphyで測定し,平均ブレ率(mean blur rate)を指標とした。虚血型の網膜中心動脈閉塞症は対象から除外した。全例で1年以上の経過を追った。
Abstract Purpose: To report changes in retinal blow flow after intravitreal anti-VEGF preparations in patients of central retinal vein occlusion treated with or without oral kallidinogenase.
Cases and Methods: This study was made on 56 eyes of 56 patients with central retinal vein occlusion treated by us in the past 64 months. The series comprised 28 males and 28 females. The age averaged 68.7±10.6 years. All the affected eyes showed macular edema. Each case received multiple sessions of intravitreal injection of anti-VEGF. Out of the 56 cases, 26 cases had been receiving peroral kallidinogenase from the referring physician. They received the same treatment after referral to us. The other 30 cases had received no kallidinogenase either from the referring physicians or from us throughout. Laser speckle flowgraphy was used to measure the circulation in major retinal vessels in the disc area. Mean blur rate was used as indicator. Cases were followed up for one year or longer.
Findings: Mean visual acuity improved in all the cases(p<0.01). No difference was present between cases treated by kallidinogenase or not. Mean foveal thickness decreased in all the cases(p<0.01). No difference was present between cases treated by kallidinogenase or not. Retinal circulation improved in all the cases. Improvement averaged 167±73% in cases treated with kallidinogenase and 125±37% without. The difference was significant(p<0.05).
Conclusion: Retinal circulation improved in cases of central retinal vein occlusion treaed with oral kallidinogenase.

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